Thursday, September 29, 2011

Video: Behind the Scenes with Lloyd and director Bryan Barber on the set of "Dedication To My Ex"!!


  1. Dear Lloyd,
    When I first listened to your song, I thought it was unique in its retro approach, but upon further listening- it is only promoting more stereotypes and generalizations about women that lead to verbal, emotional and physical abuse. I understand and respect your right to free speech, but as a public figure you also have a responsibility to promote positive examples and images of relationships. I think this is very important in your case because you are an artist who caters his music to females. You can delete this message and never think about what I wrote, but you can also choose to read this message and think about the images and ideas you are putting out there. Women have suffered enough in dealing with these issues and I would hope, that you, yourself would understand that in being raised a woman. I'm not saying make your music more radio friendly, at all. Like I said previously I support free speech, but it does come with an implied responsibility. Will you just consider for a moment if a female artist made a similar song about her ex-boyfriend's privates? What would that make you feel? That you are only valued by your sexuality and sex appeal rather than your intelligence, insights, and personality? What would that do to you? I've never been talked to in a way that did that, but I have been approached in ways that made feel like I was only a body and not a person. It's not a place I like to be and I would think someone like yourself who wants to make real music would understand that. I ask of you that you only consider that next time before you record or release a song that paints relationships in such a negative way.

    Alecia Murphy

  2. so what happened to the be the one video? with trey songs

  3. lloyd you have the right to put out whateva message u like dont let too senitive females make you change the first apporch about how the song really was supost to come out im a female and i personally love this song and the message if a woman hurt then i feel u have every right to dedicate it to the dum bitch who was dum enoungh to cheat on you becuz ur everything one girl could ever ask for

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